We’ve allowed the extremists to infiltrate our country

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She looks a bit like Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I’ll bet she’d be saying similar things

The holiday period is over. There has been another attack on a Sydney synagogue with swastikas being painted on the walls. The perpetrators tried to set the place on fire, too. More and more it echoes the events in Germany in the nineteen thirties. It’s no surprise that anti-semitism has gathered pace since nothing was done about the baying Muslim mob at the Sydney Opera House on 8th October 2023, just two days after Hamas terrorists attacked Israel. They celebrated innocent civilians being raped, tortured, burnt to death, and taken hostage. It seems the NSW police have decided they’d better do something about the perpetrators – not before time.

I’d like to see all the people who take part in these events deported to somewhere in the Middle East – but none of those countries want them. They don’t want the Palestinians, either. Egypt won’t have them, or Saudi Arabia. The Gulf states will accept Hamas leaders but not, I suspect, thousands of Gazan refugees. And not, of course, Iran. Unfortunately, many of the terrorists are home grown, born in Australia. We’ve allowed the extremists to infiltrate our country.

It’s not just Jewish leaders asking for more intervention. Leaders of other faiths can see the writing on the wall. Today it’s the Jews (isn’t it always) tomorrow it might be the Hindus or the Buddhists or the Sikhs. And most ordinary Australians without a religious axe to grind want these divisive, hate-filled activities to stop. Australia has NO influence over what happens in the Middle East. It’s none of our business. The weekly pro-Palestine marches in Sydney should be stopped.

In the fifties and sixties when so many migrants arrived in Australia from war ravaged Europe, some brought their European prejudices with them. The one that sticks in my memory was the Serbs versus the Croats. At the time Tito ruled all of them with an iron fist in a place called Yugoslavia, but in Australia they were free to exercise their prejudices. Except they weren’t. That behaviour was not tolerated here. They were told in no uncertain terms to leave their hatred behind.

Within our parliament we have a number of senators who are more interested in supporting Gaza than they are in working for the people who elected them. It seems that’s tolerated because the sitting government needs the votes. Our ‘leaders’ –Prime Minister Albanese and Foreign Minister Wong – are useless. We hear a few righteous statements about how antisemitism is unacceptable, but nothing is done about it. Wong supports a two-nation solution that the Palestinian leadership has rejected for years. She criticises the Israelis for what’s happening in Gaza but says nothing about the hostages still held there, or the way Hamas uses civilians as shields. On her fleeting visit to Israel she didn’t even visit the site of the massacre. I wonder if she has read Hamas’s manifest? “Its Covenant is a comprehensive manifesto comprised of 36 separate articles, all of which promote the basic HAMAS goal of destroying the State of Israel through Jihad (Islamic Holy War).” [Covenant of HAMAS] Its only aim is to destroy Israel and wipe the Jews from the world. From the River to the Sea, Penny. That’s a great example of what genocide really means.

Yes, I know they’ve agreed to a cease fire. Israel will release hundreds of Hamas thugs and Hamas will release some (not all) of the hostages still alive. That’s the Trump factor in action. The cease fire won’t last (see the Covenant of Hamas above). All it does is encourage the bastards to take more hostages.

I’d better get off my soapbox. The federal election can’t come soon enough. There are no prizes for guessing which side we’ll be supporting.

Let’s finish with a nice picture.

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