Teaching children to hate

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One of the most disgraceful things anyone can do in life is teach small children to hate. Adolf Hitler and his henchmen understood this well. That’s why they created the Hitler Youth. So what do we make of the pro-Palestinian (sounds much nicer than ‘anti-Israeli’) protest at the University of Sydney?

‘In a clip from the despicable event at the University of Sydney, a child leads a march, chanting into a loudspeaker “five, six, seven, eight, Israel is a terrorist state”. Another child calls the Jewish state “haram’’, an Arabic term for “forbidden’’.’ That’s a quote from the Australian. These kids were as young as five. They were taught to call for Intifada and ‘from the river to the sea Palestine must be free’ – which would require the annihilation of the Jewish state.

The event was organised by Dr Abdel-Fattah, an academic at Macquarie University. This woman was also responsible for leaking personal details of hundreds of Jewish artists and publicly stated “Zionists have no right to cultural safety”. Here’s a report from the Sydney Morning Herald. She has attacked her critics as “white supremacists’’, and vowed to fight to keep her $800,000 taxpayer-funded research grant. This woman apparently posted an image of a Palestinian parachutist as her Facebook cover photo the day after Hamas terrorists parachuted into Israel as part of their horrific attack on October 7 last year. Senator Sarah Henderson is demanding the federal government cancel Dr Abdel-Fattah’s Australian Research Council (ARC) grant of $837,174, awarded in 2022 for a four-year research project. Unfortunately, since she was born in Australia, she can’t be deported. Although it seems to me she would be more comfortable in, say, Iran.

These protests are not just in Sydney. Primary school kids wrapped in Palestinian flags, as well as teenagers wearing their school uniforms, were among 200 protesters who brought Brisbane’s CBD to a standstill for half an hour yesterday. Then there’s the group of teenagers associated with the sixteen-year-old who allegedly carried out a knife attack on an Assyrian Christian bishop. It’s reported these kids idolise Osama bin Laden and talk about organising an attack. It’s too easy to dismiss this stuff as teenage testosterone. It was a teenager who murdered accountant Curtis Cheng, presumably for the crime of working for the police. He was shot and killed in 2015 as he left the Parramatta police headquarters by 15-year-old Farhad Jabar. These kids are being indoctrinated by radical imams who celebrate the October 7 attacks, who describe Jews as descendants of apes and pigs.

And what do our gutless politicians do about all this? Nothing. They’re too worried about losing votes to call out anti-Semitism. Shades of the 1930s yet again.

I despair.

Here in Queensland the Government is eyeing the coming election with some trepidation. Replacing Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk with Stephen Miles hasn’t improved the ratings so now they’re doing the usual and spreading largesse (or pork barrelling). This time, it’s a $1,000 hand-out to all households to help with spiraling power bills. Where does the money come from? Royalties from Queensland’s coal mines.

I despair about that mentality, too. Got a problem? Throw money at it. Don’t worry about trying to find a solution to what’s causing the issue. I don’t know where the Government is going to find the money for all these hand-outs when the coal mines close. After all, we’re heading for 80% renewable energy by 2035. Oh, but we sell the coal to India and China, don’t we? So that’s okay, then.

On a happier note, I’ve just released a collection of short stories. I’ve often thought about putting all three short stories in my Morgan Selwood series into a collection – and then I thought I could add two stories from the Dryden Universe series, and a few others that have barely seen the light of day. So I did. It has been imaginatively named Shorts. Click on the cover to find out all about it. It’s available in all the usual places – in ebook and in paperback.

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