I’ve been sorting through some of the many photos we’ve accumulated over the years. Since about 2002 those pictures are stored on a computer so it’s very easy to have a look at what we did back then. The fading … Continued
I’ve been sorting through some of the many photos we’ve accumulated over the years. Since about 2002 those pictures are stored on a computer so it’s very easy to have a look at what we did back then. The fading … Continued
It’s fascinating wandering around a city you knew very well twenty years ago. Life goes on and that snapshot in your head is a time capsule. Parts are still accurate, other aspects have changed. Beth and I strolled around the … Continued
The brain is a wonderful thing. I imagine it as a library, with all the recent chronicles up the front, in the reading room with the electronic equipment and bright lights. But as you walk along between the shelves that … Continued
Back in the car again we head for the hills. Literally. Perth is hemmed in to the west by the Indian Ocean and to the east, the Darling Range, an escarpment which rises abruptly, if not very high. We aim … Continued
It’s always interesting returning to a place you knew very, very well. You have a picture in your head, a deep memory in glowing technicolour. The beach, sunset on the river, summer days, winter storms, road junctions, how to get … Continued