An Imperial Family in Space

posted in: Reviews, Science fiction | 0

Lady Felicia Sorensen, a brilliant microengineering student, finds herself pressured to date Emperor Victor Sinclair, for he has fallen madly in love with her! Despite being showered with extravagant gowns and attention, she longs for a fascinating life as a … Continued

The aliens in ‘Crisis at Validor’ #amwriting

posted in: Science fiction | 0

By now you all know I’m in the final stages of writing a new Ptorix Empire book. The title is Crisis at Validor and it features my decidedly non-humanoid alien species, the Ptorix. Readers will learn more about them in … Continued

Let’s take a short cut

posted in: Science fiction | 11

More from Kuralon Rescue. Siena and Jirra have made it to Crossmar, where they’re going to have the ship repaired and pick up some much-needed supplies. ********************************* “This is wrong, isn’t it?” Siena said. Jirra nodded. “These look like warehouses. … Continued

Sexism is alive and well in SF art

posted in: Science fiction | 6

I’ve just been amusing myself looking for pictures of female science fiction characters which may be appropriate for the cover of my new book (Kuralon Rescue, out soon at an online venue near you). And let me tell you, sexism … Continued

Learning from the masters – Isaac Asimov’s “Caves of Steel” #amwriting

posted in: On writing, Science fiction | 0

I’m in the process of re-reading Isaac Asimov’s first robot novel – The Caves of Steel. In a nutshell, this book is a murder mystery, a police procedural set in the distant future. Humanity has expanded to fifty worlds, but … Continued