I suppose we had to expect a second wave of the corona virus at some stage. And it has arrived in Melbourne. Cases have soared. A person arriving in Darwin from Melbourne has become the first case in the Northern Territory for months. The man in his thirties had spent two weeks in quarantine after returning from Pakistan. Someone else took the virus from Melbourne to NSW. A number of suburban ‘hot spots’ have been identified in Melbourne and people living in those areas have been put into lockdown.
Sitting here in the relative safety of Hervey Bay we look on in amazement. It seems the security guards responsible for people kept in quarantine in Melbourne hotels have (how can I say this nicely?) not been doing their job. There are reports of hotel ‘guests’ being taken shopping or to fast food outlets, a lack of testing, and infringements such as sexual encounters between guests and guards.
All this comes on top of the thousands of protesters gathered in Federation Square to support the Black Lives Matter movement.
Premier Dan Andrews is doing his darndest to mitigate the bad publicity. This was released on Facebook.

- This graph shows every coronavirus case in June, grouped by age.
- And it paints a picture that I think every young person needs to see.
- Younger Victorians are catching this virus and spreading it at a higher rate than anyone else.
- I know some behaviour might seem harmless – a few friends over the limit, handshakes and hugs, sharing a drink and ignoring the rules.
- You think you won’t get it – you reckon you’ll be alright.
- And I know you’re probably sick of hearing about it too – of reading about it, of talking about it.
- You’re probably tired of posts like this from people like me.
- And I get it, I really do. But this isn’t just about you.
- It’s about your mum and your dad, your nonna and yiayia – your housemates and friends.
- It’s about doing your bit, and helping protect those who aren’t as fit and healthy as you might be.
- I know I say it a lot – but we all have a part to play, and I really do mean that.
- Talk to your friends, inform your family – help stop this getting any worse.
- I’m not trying to lecture you, or sound like your dad either – and this isn’t about blaming young people.
- But the fact is that this virus is infecting the strong, and debilitating the vulnerable.
- It’s a global issue, it affects everyone – and young Victorians have a unique opportunity to do something about it.
- So please – don’t let this opportunity pass.
- Call it out, do your bit – and stay apart.
Yeah, right, Dan. Maybe you shouldn’t have allowed a bloody great gathering at Fed Square.
I feel for my friends in Melbourne. Toilet paper is already disappearing from the shelves. It would be nice to think this is only going to affect Victoria. But the fact is, it won’t. The two cases in NT and NSW are small examples of what might happen. As a result, while other state governments are opening their borders to the rest of Australia – Victoria is off the list. Here in Queensland, that’s a huge financial problem. Victorians come up here in their droves to escape from the grey skies and black clothes of Melbourne’s winter to enjoy the sun and the sea, especially during the school holidays. Now, that won’t happen. Tour operators, hotels, cafes, restaurants, all hoping to recoup some of their lockdown losses will have to wait even longer.
Mind you, things are nowhere near as bad here as the situation in the USA, where forty of the states have seen a rise in corona virus cases and deaths. This chart from Johns Hopkins University shows deaths per one hundred thousand people.

Australia isn’t listed. Our rate is at .00042 deaths per one hundred thousand people as reported by the USSC) See below.

But it would be unwise to become complacent. The more we learn about covid-19 the less it looks like a common or garden ‘flu. More is being learned about the long term effects on the body’s vital organs, including heart, lungs, and liver. Although masks are not mandatory in Australia, and restrictions have been eased, we’ll continue to be careful.
Meanwhile, I hope you all take comfort in the world around you. Stay safe.

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Not sure if I can truly ‘like’ this…but the bird is gorgeous! Here in the US we aren’t into a second wave, we’re cresting the first. Scary especially when so many people insist it’s a plot to make us obedient. Sigh
I’ve been paying attention to the US figures. As you say, you haven’t gotten over the first wave yet. It’s scary that the stupid is so very strong.