I lived close to Melbourne for ten years of my life, and although it isn’t my very favouritist place in the world as far as cities go, I quite like it (shhh don’t tell anyone) . Before we left for warmer climes in 2007 I took a few photos which I’d like to share with you. Some of them are just pretty, others illustrate that Melbourne doesn’t take itself too seriously all of the time. In fact, the city fathers have a sense of humour.
I’m sure the cityscape has changed a lot since I left, but some things don’t change, they just mellow over time.
The walk bridge now has a bar on that left hand pylon shaped like a boat. You feel like you’re on a boat when you’re sitting down there too. The dog… he got stole. If you ever see the dog, Melbourne is still looking for him. The artist had to create another dog and that one is bolted clear through to the centre of the earth.