Stirling Castle – Upstairs

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picture of Model of Stirling castle

I recently posted a few dioramas of the engine room (so to speak) of Stirling Castle – the kitchen and bake house. We also visited the upstairs chambers, where the gentry lived. Much of the restored part dates back to the sixteenth century. At this time, the kings of Scotland used Stirling Castle as home. You’ll find an explanation and further photos, at the castle’s own website. The restoration work is quite remarkable, showing the colour and pageantry associated with royalty.

At top is a model of the castle and the buildings within its walls.

picture of Scottish coat of arms

The Scottish coat of arms boasts a unicorn and a golden eagle.

Picture of Tapestry of unicorn hunt

This wonderful tapestry depicts a unicorn hunt. A free unicorn was meant to be a very dangerous beast and you can see this one is fighting back.

picture of the Queen's bedchamber

This is the queen’s bedchamber. Privacy wasn’t so highly prized in those times, but the bed had drapes around it. The rich fabrics softened the cold, austere stone walls.

Picture of decorated ceiling

Intricate designs decorate the ceilings. This is not just decoration, it is a show of wealth, power, influence to any visiting nobles.

Picture of the Chapel Royal

This lovely building is the Chapel Royal

picture of The queen's jester

The Queen’s jester provided entertainment. She told stories, played musical instruments, juggled and generally kept Her Majesty amused. Behind her you can see more of that magnificent unicorn hunt tapestry.

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