It’s worth spending days in Herberton

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The Barkerville pub – relocated to Herberton and still doing business

It was time to head home. After breakfast at Bedrock Village we packed our bags and ourselves in the bus and headed for parts East. Our only real stop (apart from morning tea at Ravenshoe)  on the way back to Cairns was at the historical village of Herberton. We’d heard good things about this place and were a little surprised we would only be here for an hour and a half or so. Once again, this was a labour of love built privately. Over the years, buildings and their associated artefacts have been added to the site, giving visitors a good look at what life was like for the pioneers and residents right into the fifties and sixties. For many of us, the items brought back memories of times past. The tickets last three days – and this site is well worth many, many hours. There’s so much to see. We only really scratched the surface and didn’t have time to go across the suspension bridge to the other side of the creek where more buildings and more collections hid among the trees.

Elderslie House – info further down the page
A side view of the house
Read all about it
The dining room
The childrens’ room
Where the poor people lived
Just a few of the shops and other buildings on the property
The Tin Pannikin pub, modelled on the Ettamogah pub in the long-running comic strip
All about the Tin Pannikin pub
The school house brought back memories
Could you pass this test?
Cobb and Co. did business in Australia for some time. This is one of their restored coaches from Victoria. Anyone else remember the TV show with Peter somebody?
Of course there was a farrier
Recruiting posters for WW1
Different sorts of recruiting poster
The toy shop had amazing doll collections
And teddy bears, too
I used to collect the flag matchbox tops when I was about 7
Cigarette cards were all the rage once
The dispensary was amazing with a hug range of bottles and jars, beautifully displayed
The butcher’s shop
The radio repair shop. Do you recognize any?
I remember these

I can’t recommend Herberton highly enough. It’s a credit to everyone who made it happen. I expect it will grow from here. One more time, here’s the website.

After our visit to Herberton we went to a historic railway station near a nice rest area at Atherton for a picnic lunch of sandwiches and cake before travelling the remaining distance back to Cairns. We made one unscheduled shop at a local ice cream maker. (Joe insisted). The ice creams, gelato and sorbet went down a treat. Pity I couldn’t take any home.

While we were there a few parrots landed in the tree in the property’s front yard. I ran for the bus for my camera and I’m informed that Jackie said to Lorraine, “I’ll bet they stay here till she gets back, then they’ll fly away.” And that, dear reader, is exactly what happened. I blame Jackie.

That evening we went out for a sunset dinner cruise. I don’t think anyone took photos. By the time we left port, the sun had set. The meal was a seafood buffet, the usual fare, including more fresh prawns. Entertainment was provided by a young man who played guitar and sang, but the music was so loud we couldn’t conduct a normal conversation at our table. I think most of us are well past that stage of our lives. A number of us walked the short distance back to the hotel, enjoying the pleasant tropical evening. The area between the CBD and the ferry port is lovely, so well developed with paths, lawns, gardens and water features.

Tomorrow would be our last day in Cairns.

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