The travel blogs are finished for this trip and it’s time to get ready for the summer here at Hervey Bay. It never gets especially hot – not much more than mid-thirties – but the humidity is a killer, so we avoid too much labouring outdoors in the heat of the day. And for me, it’s time to get back to finishing another book. I had a few things to say about that over on Space Freighters Lounge, where I have a weekly spot that I devote more to the books and writing caper.
I’ll bet I’m not the only one who will be overjoyed to see the end of the Don and Hillary show. But I also suspect the after effects will linger on long after the election is won and lost. Do I care who wins? I suppose, yes. The sad thing is that the anti-establishment folks have picked someone like Donald Trump to represent them. I’ve said before that the whole of the western world is becoming heartily sick of “democracy”. Then again, I’m not too impressed with the alternative choices made by places like Russia and Turkey.
I’m also a bit cynical about the coming ‘defeat’ of ISIS, when Mosul is finally taken. Anybody taking bets that the Kurds, the Iraqis, and the Turks will be fighting within a month?
On a happier note, here’s a few more holiday snaps that didn’t make it into blog posts.
Julia Barrett
I love your photos, Greta! Lovely colors! Mosul? Will probably be worse afterwards. There is no plan for what to do if Mosul is liberated.
Great photos as usual. Bet you’re glad to be home.
That region has such a history of conflict. Remember the beginning of Michener’s The Haj (I think that’s the one) brother fights brother; brothers fight father; family fights relatives; they get together to fight other families; all the families join to fight those in another region/religion.
World without end. And when they go into space??? yeah
It’s never ending. And really, the only people who can sort it out is them. If they want to…
did you see the thousands women march? There is hope