Yesterday I was told that an acquaintance who very recently contracted lung cancer had died in the night. I’d met him twice, knew of his condition through a neighbour who was his friend. It was quick and relatively painless for him, and since his quality of life was very low, I think it was for the best. I’m not too sure why his passing has affected me as much as it has.
Maybe it’s because he was about the same age as me. Maybe it’s because so many of the people I’ve known – either in real life, or vicariously – people like Spock, Gough Whitlam and today, Stuart Wagstaff – are gone. If I close my eyes I can see a cavalcade of ghosts. Names bring up memories, some good, some bad. Days of my life, high points and low.
And maybe it’s a reminder that there all things must pass. Someday it will be my turn.
Sir Terry has left the planet #pratchett | Greta van der Rol
[…] It wasn’t for very long at all. He was just 66. His ghost will loom large in that cavalcade I wrote about in a previous post. […]
Bill Kirton
Familiar feelings, Greta. We only have the NOW, so we should make the most of every now there is.
We look around and think “I’m in pretty darned good shape for an old broad” Then someone younger than us, also in pretty good shape, dies. Someone older but far better known. When we think of it, fame doesn’t make one any less susceptible to the wheels of time.
However we parse these things out, none of us will be skipping out from that final trip. All we can do is live as well as possible until then
I suspect you know exactly where I’m coming from.
some just hit a little harder than others
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. And I know what you mean. I look at all those so important to our generation who are gone, and it seems as if we are simply becoming, as you say, ghosts… Sooner than we like it will all be gone, on to the next generations. Which is good, in it’s own way, (though I have to say, the actors and actresses of OUR generation put these young kids to shame! I can’t exactly see any of them playing King Lear on stage, can you? Just sayin…)
It is good your friend passed quietly. The pain of cancer is something I hope you never know. To be at peace was something I begged for when I was going through my treatments. I survived, barely, but at the time I would have given anything not to have. For me, there was hope, so they pushed me through – but when all hope is lost, it is cruelty to force ‘life’ over ‘quality of life.’
My best to you and your friends, and may you always remember him with fondness – his laugh, his smiles, his kind words. Best, Leiah
Thanks for your words
Julia Barrett
Yes. Life = Death. No separating the two.
Very true. You’d know better than most