Season’s Greetings

posted in: Life and things | 4

Every year, around 21st June the Northern Hemisphere hands over the sun for us to look after until the time comes to give it back. That’s around 22nd December. Here it is, Northern Hemisphere. The Yule angel has looked after it very well.

Enjoy your holy day (or holiday), however you celebrate. And if you’d like to know just WHY this hand over happens, this video will take about fifteen minutes of your time, explaining why seasons are not as simple as you might think.

4 Responses

  1. Mag Hawes

    Thank you for sharing this sun and moon 🌙 enjoy your Christmas Day and a happy New Year x

  2. John Poyner

    Technically should handover be on the equinox rather than the solstice ??
    Just asking for a friend.

    • Greta

      Interesting thought (tell your friend). But I think the Yule angel waits until the necessary sacrifices are carried out at the appropriate solstice. Or so I’m told 🙂

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