You can’t take the science out of science fiction romance #sfrb
I’m having a rant over at spacefreighters. Come on over and join the outrage.
I’m having a rant over at spacefreighters. Come on over and join the outrage.
The title says it all, folks. I’m writing up a storm – or trying to. Writing is just like any other pastime – cooking, hockey, netball, swimming, tatting. If you stop doing it, the skills atrophy. But I’m around 6k … Continued
Talking about what constitutes ‘romance’ seems to be a bit like climbing over the fence into the lions’ compound knowing they haven’t been fed for a while. But I have to say I find the debate a little bit perplexing … Continued
By now you all know I’m in the final stages of writing a new Ptorix Empire book. The title is Crisis at Validor and it features my decidedly non-humanoid alien species, the Ptorix. Readers will learn more about them in … Continued
More from Kuralon Rescue. Siena and Jirra have made it to Crossmar, where they’re going to have the ship repaired and pick up some much-needed supplies. ********************************* “This is wrong, isn’t it?” Siena said. Jirra nodded. “These look like warehouses. … Continued
Those who know me would realise that I raise an eyebrow at the mere mention of the Rules of Writing. You know the ones; thou shalt not use passive voice, thou shalt avoid ‘that’, ‘as’, ‘just’ and ‘there was’, thou … Continued
I’m in the throes of editing. I’ve written a good story but it needs some restructure and it needs a lot more romance. That last is a skill I have yet to properly master but I know and understand it … Continued