Privacy is up to you
A couple of years ago the EU came up with a privacy requirement on websites. Now, I’m an Australian, so at first I thought it didn’t impact me. But the web, as we know, doesn’t take much notice of borders, … Continued
A couple of years ago the EU came up with a privacy requirement on websites. Now, I’m an Australian, so at first I thought it didn’t impact me. But the web, as we know, doesn’t take much notice of borders, … Continued
There has been surpassing interest in the media about the mushroom poisoning case in rural Victoria. Erin Patterson prepared beef wellington for a lunch with her former parents-in-law Don and Gail Patterson, and Gail’s sister Heather Wilkinson and her husband, … Continued
Everybody who uses the internet has heard about how Facebook collects private information and uses it to target advertising. Nobody likes it, especially when email addresses and telephone numbers are sold off to other parties. I’m with you – something … Continued
I suppose the biggest news of the week has been that Cambridge Analytica has sold the data of fifty million or so Facebook users. Am I shocked? Not really. Do I think it was a good thing to do? Not … Continued