Debunking myths about the days of sail

posted in: History | 15

A lot of things we believe come from some pretty suspect sources. If you’re like me, you believe that in the days of sail navies – both military and merchant – were full of press-ganged victims, that the food was … Continued

Writing advice to take with a grain of salt

posted in: On writing | 16

As a writer, I rub shoulders (virtually) with lots of other writers. On Facebook I’ll often see quotes from people like Stephen King, or Hemingway and others. Inspirational stuff. I think. But sometimes advice needs to be weighed and measured … Continued

Five writing myths – and why they’re crap

posted in: On writing | 34

The writing business is full of advice, some good, some bad and some plain bullshit. I guess I’ve heard one story too many today, so this rant is my response. 1. You’ll never make money from your first novel Have … Continued

The one Rule of Writing you should never break (IMO)

posted in: On writing | 42

Those who know me would realise that I raise an eyebrow at the mere mention of the Rules of Writing. You know the ones; thou shalt not use passive voice, thou shalt avoid ‘that’, ‘as’, ‘just’ and ‘there was’, thou … Continued

Is telepathy science fiction – or should we shove it in the fantasy basket?

posted in: Science fact | 22

I’ve always had a thing about telepathy in a science fiction novel. To me, it smacks far too much of ouija boards, mind reading and charlatanism. So when I come across telepathy as a skill in an SF book, I … Continued