A review is just somebody’s opinion

posted in: On writing | 10

A review is just somebody’s opinion. It’s something of a truism, of course. And sometimes, it’s not even true. Some reviews are deliberate attempts to undermine a book’s (or a movie’s, or a restaurant’s) reputation. Sometimes they’re the reverse – … Continued

4 points to consider before you join that Facebook group

posted in: On writing | 6

Since Facebook became a paying concern, author Facebook pages have become (in my opinion) pretty much a waste of time. Here’s my take on that issue. However, that doesn’t mean Facebook is a waste of time. Increasingly, as Facebook’s ever-changing … Continued

You can’t be too careful with that precious first page

posted in: On writing | 2

Authors, you can’t be too careful when crafting that precious first page for your tour de force. This is a case study. Since he retired, my husband has read a lot of books. He tends to like crime, thrillers, mystery … Continued

Should content warnings be standard on books?

posted in: On writing | 9

The subject of ‘trigger warnings’ has come up for heated discussion among my circles of friends. For those of you who have just emerged from under a rock, “Colleges across the country this spring have been wrestling with student requests … Continued

7 sure-fire ways to make me leave your website – in seconds

posted in: Other | 14

I really, really have to wonder about some website developers. Do they ever test anything on real people? This is going to be my list of gripes, but when I mention these cases (especially the last one) to others, I … Continued

A pox on both your houses

posted in: Life and things | 9

I haven’t had a rant for a while. Let me tell you, readers, the time has come. (Takes deep breath) Rant/ What is it with Apple and Microsoft? Why do they find it necessary to change a perfectly functional user … Continued